Posts Tagged ‘PE’

Indoor PE

On Monday Class 3 had PE indoor due to the damp weather conditions. They were challenged to compete in 3 different activities – vertical jump, standing long jump & ball push.
Congratulations to Ashleigh for being the highest vertical jump, reaching 2m 18cm, slightly higher than Lucy at 2m 14cm & Megan at 2m 12cm!
Tamisha set the standing long jump record at 2m 10cm, closely followed by Kieran (2m 4cm) & Rekekah (1m19cm).
Mrs Howe’s ball push was very competitive, Megan reached 3m 65cm, Lucy & Ellie both threw 3.5m and Ashleigh was in very close with 3.45m.
Well done to all the class for trying very hard to beat their personal best.