Archive for November, 2013

Oh…Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree…!

With help from Tom and Jack ( ), Mr Sainter and Mr Little lifted the huge tree into place! They wre covered in needles…Mrs Thresh helped by taking photographs!

Christmas Dates


Friday 6th December (Early lunch at 11.50am. Coach leaves at 1pm and returns approx. 4.40pm. Remember to keep Greens Lane  & the junction with Main Street clear of cars to allow coaches to reverse safely. Thank you.

Christmas Productions

Tuesday 10th December:

  • Foundation & KS1 – 10am
  • KS2 – 2.15pm

Wednesday 11th December:

  • KS2 – 10am
  • Foundation & KS1 – 2.15pm

Christmas Dinner Thursday 12th December

Parties – Further details to follow

Monday 16th December 1.10pm – Foundation & KS1

Tuesday 17th December 1.10pm – KS2

St Peter’s Church

Wednesday 18th December at 2pm, followed by refreshments, served by FOWSA, in the school hall.

Non-uniform day – Friday 20th December

School closes at 3.3pm on Friday 20th December & reopens at 9am on Tuesday 7th January 2014.

Michael Morpurgo visits Bridlington Spa


 Making its first ever East  Yorkshire appearance…
The show consists of a reading by Michael Morpurgo accompanied by Virginia McKenna of his book – ‘The Best Christmas Present in the World’.
Christmas Carols from Britain, France and Flanders will be sung by accapella ‘Voices at the Door’ – A six piece award-winning singing group featuring: Coope, Boyes and Simpson, Fi Fraser, Jo Freya and Georgina Boyes.

Special Delivery!

I’m not sure it’s tall enough Mr Sainter!

Stars of the Week 18th – 22nd November 2013


Alisha Robins on for ‘addition’ in maths and writing calculations accurately.

Emma Fenton for making a lovely Diwali lantern and setting a good example for good behaviour at all times.

Class 1

Daniel W – trying hard with his reading and moving up a level!

Holly – trying hard to learn her spellings

Harvey M – super money work in Maths

Harvey R – great work with sequencing in Literacy


Class 2

Beck – for his mental maths skills.

Daniel- for his imagination in poetry big write.

William- for using column method to subtract.

Aaliyah- for continuous effort in all areas of learning


Class 3

Penny for helping her class mates with the embroidery.

George for his Big Write, lots of tension & suspense!

Victoria has worked hard in maths & literacy this week, well done.

Jessica had great ideas in Science about how we use air and air resistance.

Christmas Counting

Christmas pompoms!




Christmas Embroidery

Threading needles, lost thread, knots…it’s been a busy afternoon!

RE – Foundation

World War II

Mr Sainter has brought in artifacts from his family linked to the war around Egypt and motorbike dispatch riders.