Archive for July 9th, 2013

stars of the week


Harvey M for excellent work in maths, halving by sharing. 

Olena for fantastic work in maths. Halving ‘teen’ numbers, using problem solving skills

Year 1

 Leo for working independently and staying on task. 

Cole used super adjectives in Literacy, well done.

Year 2

 Freya has been trying very in in Literacy and has used speech marks.

Hannah has demonstrated a great ability to recall number bonds to 100.

Year 3

David  – Year 3 – Work that he has put in at home to improve his work on angles.
Joshua – Year 3 – Improvement and trying hard to work independently.

Year 4
Ruby – Year 4 – Demonstrating to the class how to use oil pastels, whilst working on our solar system model.
Ben – Year 4 – Working hard during morning work.

Year 5

Larissa and Katie for trying very hard with some tricky calculations in Numeracy and for interesting writing in Literacy.

Year 6

Peter has worked very hard in his Numeracy investigation and has organised a lunchtime club that is very popular.

Ellie-May recorded a leavers video that made Mrs Thresh very proud – her language choice was outstanding!